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First Presbyterian Church of Granville is a Christian congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and located in the Presbytery of Scioto Valley.

We are one of the oldest churches in our village, but are continually refreshed with new energy and passion as we discern the Spirit's movement in our community. We embrace our heritage and tradition and yet we are a community where all are truly welcome, and where we welcome change. 

We are disciples who are approachable, down-to-earth, family-friendly, and genuine in who we are. And together, as a community, we strive to learn God's calling in our worship, fellowship, and service so that our lives outside of this building can grow deeper in, and closer to Christ.


Our Mission

Seeing Christ in the face of others

— Mission Statement, First Presbyterian Church

What should I expect when you visit us?

You should expect to be welcomed and greeted warmly. Expect to get to know people and for people to get to know you. And expect to deepen your relationship with God through communal worship, education and mission opportunities.

Do you have childcare? Childcare is only the beginning!  We are committed to having a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for all children who come to First Presbyterian.  On Sunday mornings our children grades K-6 will participate in a special children's faith formation designed especially for them.  Music, drama, large group time, and small group discussions will help make biblical principles relevant to today's children. For children infant through five years of age, there is childcare provided. Our mission is to demonstrate God's love to children through active learning processes so that children will gradually come to the point of knowing and loving God through the leadership of their parents and other caring adults.  Just as children grow physically, they also have different spiritual developmental stages, and our leadership team is committed to providing various opportunities for children to experience the love of Christ as they move towards adolescence.

What time do you meet? Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10 A.M.

How do I join First Presbyterian Church? Inquiry seminars are offered for people who may be interested in joining First Presbyterian to become better acquainted with our church.  Our goal is to provide an introduction to our own church, as well as the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., to give prospective members the opportunity to “inquire” and learn about the life of the church, our beliefs, organization, and programs.

Our hope is that all visitors feel welcome to attend inquiry classes. There is never any pressure to join the church, rather the opportunity to participate in an informative process for people who are considering membership.

Who we are

We are the First Presbyterian Church of Granville and
we are called by our baptism to minister in the name of Jesus Christ;

To provide a deep sense of home that is warm, welcoming and accepting, 
witnessing to the presence of God’s Kingdom in our world;

To welcome diversity as a full expression of the completeness of God’s family, 
seeing Christ in the face of others;

To provide for worship that is an authentic expression of our gratitude to God, 
for grace unimaginable and love unconditional, sacramentally living into the
mystery of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ;

To provide for the nurture of all God’s people, of every age, into faithful discipleship;

To be God’s heart, hands and voice as we engage in mission locally, nationally and globally, 
to further God’s peace and justice in the world, fulfilling Jesus’ command for us to love the other, the outcast and the afflicted;

To listen for God’s call in the midst of our lives, using the gifts God has given us
as we respond in faith to build up the Body of Christ.

Our History

Photo Archives

This is the history of First Presbyterian Church, Granville, Ohio. It was produced in 2000 with the completion of the church's building renovations

The First Presbyterian Church of Granville is one of the oldest churches in Ohio. The founding settlers of Granville organized a church before they left Granville, Massachusetts, in 1805. They chose to move onward in search of something more, something better. Their covenant acknowledged a shared journey. Their first tasks on arrival were to build a meeting house and to find a minister. Inspired by the Second Great Awakening, these settlers saw themselves as part of a great missionary movement. This spirit has shaped
the history of the church and the village since the founding.

Read more in this publication from 2005…

Our Future

In 2020, our Mind the Gap task force was convened to address disparities between the church’s income and expenses. The task force didn’t recommend budget priorities, but rather it illuminated something much richer and more useful for where we find ourselves now. In the task force’s report linked below, you will find descriptions of what our congregation members find meaningful, what’s missing, and our hopes for the future of FPC.

The scope and timing of this report are providential — literally a God-send. What it provides is a vision of continual, vibrant growth with the ability to change and evolve. You are encouraged to delve into the document as deeply as you wish and become an active participant in the church’s journey forward as, together, we build on more than two centuries of history, community, family, service, and above all, faith.


The Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship